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A Critical Shortage of Trained Pastors
There is no question that there are troublesome events and trends filling the world’s news today. It’s not uncommon for people to become anxious over these things and conclude that things are so increasingly bad the church is trying desperately to “hold on” until Jesus returns. But that view doesn’t fit the facts. At over 2.5 billion adherents, Christianity is the largest religion in the world and is growing by over 50,000 new believers every day. That’s good news!
But remember, the Great Commission is about “making disciples,” not just converts. Helping new believers to grow as disciples of Jesus is the great task of the church. The challenge comes in providing pastoral leadership for all those people needing to know what it means to follow Jesus; pastors who live, preach, and lead their congregations biblically. Of course, in the U.S. where there is almost a church on every corner there are many leaders with ample training opportunities, but not so internationally. According to the Center For The Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, only 5 percent have any formal theological training. The rapid growth in new believers means that we need, daily, over 1,000 newly trained pastors just to keep up with the growth of the Christian population. Seminaries currently meet only 10 percent of the demand, and much less than this internationally. These figures reflect a theological famine in which our brothers worldwide are crying out for relief.
The problem of training Christian leadership in adequate numbers becomes even more complex when you consider that the vast majority of the current and future growth within the body of Christ will occur in underdeveloped and unchurched countries. There simply are no formal training options open to most. Further, many of those called to pastor must do so in the midst of cultural opposition and oppressive living conditions. These leaders must be equipped in non-traditional ways. Because they cannot go somewhere for training, it must be brought to them.
We at Xtend Ministries International have been for over 19 years actively at work to help meet this challenge. In addition to our work of evangelism and church planting, we have helped to equip many pastors and other church leaders throughout the world. Through the prayers and financial support of many, we have established local training centers in a number of countries where the need is greatest, as well as providing Bibles and training resources. And in some countries we are providing financial support for pastors and their new churches to help get them established. Unfortunately, we have had to turn down some requests for help because of lack of sufficient funding.
By partnering with Xtend Ministries International, you or your church could contribute to the training of pastors and church leaders worldwide, especially in Eastern Europe, Africa, and Asia. Will you consider making a contribution today? Your gift will mean so much to these dedicated pastors who have responded to God’s call. You can make a difference for the cause of Christ.
We can’t do it without you! Will you help?
God Is At Work In Cuba Amid Historic Challenges
I have just completed a mission trip to Cuba, this time working in the towns of Brasil and Esmerelda in the north-central part of the country, places overlooked by most travelers. This was the most challenging trip I have ever made in my 15 years of ministry in this country. One pastor told me that living conditions are the worst in their nation’s history. Food is in very short supply and almost everything is severely rationed. Supplies like flour and cooking oil are non-existent. Fuel is limited, and I witnessed long lines of vehicles, sometimes stretching a half mile or more waiting overnight at gas stations. Because the nation’s power generators run on increasingly scarce diesel fuel, electricity is shut off for many hours each day. We experienced such shutdowns daily that began in the early evening and lasted until the following morning. That means no light at night and no fans or air conditioning to help survive the oppressive heat and humidity. And of course, there is no way to cook in those hours what limited food is available. I could go on, but you get the idea. Life there is very hard.
In the midst of these challenges, God is still mightily at work. It was my privilege to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ in both those towns and there were many who made public professions of faith. Most who attended walked dusty roads in blazing heat and sat in primitive facilities to hear the good news of Jesus and eternal life. Church members report being greatly encouraged. I recall one pastor who told me that believers in their country see their only hope in the life to come, for it is evident there is no hope for a better life now. I was reminded of the deadening effect of affluence on spiritual hunger in many countries. Countries like my own. Yet in the midst of weakness, God shows up in power; in circumstances of extreme lack, God demonstrates His abundance; where His light shines, no darkness can overcome it (Jn. 1:5).
Pastors And Missionaries Are Trained
In this trip we also conducted training conferences for those whom God has called out to preach the gospel and plant churches. Those who attended these sessions expressed great appreciation for the training and encouragement. In our ministry, we have taken to heart Paul’s words to Timothy: “The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, these entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also” (2 Tim. 2:2). As we invest in the ministries of these faithful ones, we are assured that they will be better equipped to teach others also.
This approach is not only practical; it is essential for the continuing growth of the church. According to the Center for Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, there are a total of 5 million pastors/priests in all Christian traditions worldwide, yet only 5 percent are likely to have had any formal theological training. In stark contrast to the U.S., most countries have few opportunities for such education. Accordingly, our task is to train and equip all that we can wherever we can. During our many years work in Cuba we have conducted such training conferences in large cities and small towns all across the country.
This has been our task in many other countries around the world and we see ourselves as partners in the Father’s harvest field. Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” (Lk. 10:2). Will you join with us as partners in the harvest by your prayers and financial support to equip other workers in the harvest?
International Ministry Equipping Center Dedication Service
It is with great joy that we announce the formal dedication service of our new International Ministry Equipping Center. The entire campus has been in development over the past years and already we have hosted numerous international pastors for training and mentoring. However, this past fall we completed a new lodge that will house larger groups of international pastors. The main building has a large room for worship and training, as well as meeting rooms and a library. In addition to sleeping accommodations, the new lodge also has a conference room and dining room as well as a kitchen. In the months following the completion of the lodge, we have been at work furnishing and equipping the building and doing landscaping. A public celebration and dedication service occurred on June 25.
These new facilities are an expansion of the international ministry we have conducted for over 20 years and do not mark a new direction in ministry. Our international ministry travel is actually increasing this year (details below), but these new facilities add strength to the overall ministry by providing a place that will better enable these pastors to interact with one another while receiving concentrated training that will strengthen their ministries. Many from all over the world have already expressed their eagerness to take part in the conferences to be held here.
This new lodge is a manifestation of the abundant grace of God, and the dedication service will be an occasion to publicly express our thanks to Him and for our pledge to use it always for His glory. Yet, we also acknowledge with profound gratitude that this milestone has been reached through the prayers and amazing financial support that have come from so many. We thank God for you who have supported this and pray that He will shower you with His choicest blessings.
A Busy Year Planned

This year will be our busiest year of ministry ever as we respond to the growing needs internationally. Already in 2022, we have traveled to Tanzania, Poland, and Hungary for ministry. In the most recent of these trips we were able to bring together representatives from the Budapest Baptist Theological Academy and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas (pic above) to establish institutional ties that will greatly strengthen the work of training students for Christian service.
In July, we will minister in local churches and conduct training conferences for pastors in Cuba, and then in the coming months we will serve in Tanzania, Portugal, Philippines, Poland, and Hungary. Please do continue to pray for us as we serve the nations in the cause of Christ.
We are so thankful that many of the restrictions brought about by the global COVID pandemic have been removed and we can be fully engaged in our international work. However, the cost of airfares has risen dramatically this year. Along with increased costs in other countries, we face significant financial challenges in meeting all these needs for ministry. Your help is needed now more than ever! Will you please consider making a one-time or a recurring contribution that will enable us to continue to eXtend the Kingdom of Christ among the nations?

We have recently returned from the Ukraine/Poland border where we witnessed something of the trauma being experienced by the Ukrainians fleeing their country because of Russia’s war of aggression against them. Since February 24, over 3.7 million Ukrainians have sought refuge in Poland.
The churches of Poland were the first-responders and continue to be fully engaged in relief efforts. Many churches have been turned into 24 hour/day relief centers. Since our time there, we have been raising funds to send to Poland for their aid. To date, we’ve sent approximately $15,000 but so much more is needed. To assure all funds are used in the best ways, we are sending them to the Polish Baptist Union for distribution. Marek Głodek, President of the Union (pic below), offered these words:
“The Polish Baptist Union is very thankful for our longtime friend Dr. Richard Blake in his cooperation with us in taking care for Ukrainian refugees in Poland. We respect him and trust him. We would appreciate all help provided to us through his efforts. May the Lord bless you!”
Your help for these refugees is very much needed, and we pledge 100 percent of all funds donated will go directly to this cause. You can make your contribution directly at this link:

Xtend Ministries International
5401 CR 305
Grandview, TX 76050
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+1 817-487-0796
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